MeerKAT Active Galactic Nuclei HI 
Feeding & Feedback Investigation Close-by

MAGNHIFFIC - MeerKAT AGN HI Feeding & Feedback Investigation Close-by is a survey of 22 nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) performing sensitive observations of the neutral hydrogen (HI) in nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). MAGNHIFFIC investigates the typical column densities of HI inflows and outflows involved in AGN feedback (1018-19 cm-2) with kilo-parsec resolution, or better. MAGNHIFFIC will use MeerKAT and ancillary observations of the multi-phase gas to:

  1. identify and trace the AGN feeding mechanisms from the circum-nuclear (10 pc -- 1 kpc) to the circum-galactic (>20 kpc) scales
  2. study the kinematics and physical conditions of the multi-phase gaseous outflows generated by radiative and jetted AGN throughout the entire host galaxy and IGM.
  3. determine how the observed feeding and feedback phenomena can self-sustain the AGN duty cycle and over which timescale

From Maccagni et al. 2020, Kleiner et al. 2021 (courtesy of J. Healy)