
MAGNHIFFIC will probe a part of parameter space in AGN studies that has not yet been observed with any radio telescope , enabling us to study the typical column densities of neutral hydrogen (HI) inflows and outflows (10 18-19 cm-2 ) with kilo-parsec resolution, or better.  The MeerKAT observations will provide at least 10 times deeper HI column density sensitivity, while improving the spatial and spectral resolution by at least a factor 3. MAGNHIFFIC will be the benchmark study of the distribution and kinematics of the HI in galaxies hosting an AGN. 

MAGNHIFFIC is a ground-breaking project that for the first time will study the process of feeding and feedback in 22 nearby AGN with different energetic outputs, different ages, in different hosts and in different environments.  The sample is divided between radiative AGN (10 sources), and radio jetted AGN (12 sources).  Sources have been selected where sensitive observations of the molecular and ionised gas showed indications of on-going feeding and/or feedback (e.g. Maccagni et al. 2018, Ruffa et al. 2019a, Mingozzi et al. 2018, Venturi et al. 2020). 

Combining the HI with the molecular and ionised gas observations, MAGNHIFFIC will infer the physical conditions, the total mass of the multi-phase outflows and investigate their impact on the SF of the host galaxies.  From the timescales of the interaction events and by quantifying the effects of turbulence on the multi-phase IGM and ISM, MAGNHIFFIC will identify the AGN accretion mechanisms and study how they sustain recurrent nuclear activity.  


Cold gas accretion in radiative mode AGN and its effects on star formation

This project will investigate

  • how is gas funneled from the IGM to the centre of radiative AGN 
  • over which timescales nuclear activity can be sustained
  • to which extent AGN outflows are effective in unsettling the ISM and change the star formation

The role of cold gas in the duty-cycle of AGN

This project will investigate

  • what is the origin of the cold gas found in the circum-nuclear regions of jetted AGN? 
  • how do radio-jets modify the cold ISM from the circum-nuclear to the inter-galactic scales? 
  • which mechanisms sustain recursive AGN activity and over which timescales?

MAGNHIFFIC results within the theoretical framework of AGN feeding and feedback

This project will combine the results of the MAGNHIFFIC observations with hydrodynamical simulations to: 

  • provide a detailed description of the expansion history of radiative winds and jets in radio-loud AGN
  • determine which observational constraints identify and describe the phenomena of feeding and feedback in radiative AGN
  • implement in hydrodynamical simulations the physical and kinematical conditions of the multi-phase ISM involved in feeding and feedback to understand the duty-cycle of AGN